Mothers Day Ecards Defenation
Mother's Day Ecards / Displaying 1-20
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Mom, thanks for teaching me about boundaries by never observing any.
Mom, thanks for teaching me about boundaries by never observing any
Happy Mother's Day to a mom who didn't intentionally get knocked up to be on MTV.
Happy Mother's Day to a mom who didn't intentionally get knocked up to be on MTV
I hope you put more planning into my Mother's Day celebration than I did into getting pregnant with you.
I hope you put more planning into my Mother's Day celebration than I did into getting pregnant with you.
Happy Mother's Day to a mom who shouldn't assume my graduation means the end of my financial dependency.
Happy Mother's Day to a mom who shouldn't assume my graduation means the end of my financial dependency
Thanks for not ditching me in a dumpster.
Thanks for not ditching me in a dumpster
I'll always be grateful that you didn't abort me.
I'll always be grateful that you didn't abort me
My Mother's Day gift is to remind you I may eventually move somewhere less terrifying than New York City.
My Mother's Day gift is to remind you I may eventually move somewhere less terrifying than New York City
I don't need a holiday devoted to moms to spend the weekend in a spiral of guilt and shame.
I don't need a holiday devoted to moms to spend the weekend in a spiral of guilt and shame.
For enduring the bloodcurdling torture of my adolescent years I promise to always keep your electronics functional.
For enduring the bloodcurdling torture of my adolescent years I promise to always keep your electronics functional
Thanks for always thinking about me to the detriment of your own mental health.
Thanks for always thinking about me to the detriment of your own mental health
For all the love you've given me, I will one day pay your nursing home bill.
For all the love you've given me, I will one day pay your nursing home bill
I credit who I am today to you filling me with self-esteem and prescription stimulants.
I credit who I am today to you filling me with self-esteem and prescription stimulants
I love you slightly more than I love dad.
I love you slightly more than I love dad
I'd have made you breakfast in bed if you'd taught me how to cook.
I'd have made you breakfast in bed if you'd taught me how to cook
Thanks for helping me resolve the childhood issues you caused.
Thanks for helping me resolve the childhood issues you caused
Let's celebrate my spermatozoa being able to penetrate your fallopian tubes and fertilize an egg.
Let's celebrate my spermatozoa being able to penetrate your fallopian tubes and fertilize an egg
Happy Mother's Day to everyone who didn't have easy access to Plan B as a teenager.
Happy Mother's Day to everyone who didn't have easy access to Plan B as a teenager.
Happy Mother's Day to someone who carried me for 9 months physically and for 29 years financially.
Happy Mother's Day to someone who carried me for 9 months physically and for 29 years financially.
I hope your debilitating postpartum depression doesn't put a damper on your first Mother's Day.
I hope your debilitating postpartum depression doesn't put a damper on your first Mother's Day.
Mom, it's so great how much closer we've gotten since you started texting instead of calling.
Mom, it's so great how much closer we've gotten since you started texting instead of calling.
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